Workshops,training and translation for services and parents
Current Care for Roma workshops are :
1. How to accelerate progress and breaking the gaps in education for Roma . Suitable for schools, support workers, nurseries,early years,MAST, council and social workers.
Using our logic model and strategy
2.Working with Roma in a health context. Health professionals,health visitors, midwife, community workers
3.Working with Roma in a safeguarding context Schools, council, social workers, senior leaders, managers
4. Roma awarness workshop. All professionals
5. Roma music and dance workshop.
6. Empowering services and students to improve relationship workshop
7. Parents training into Rromani language to raise awareness and get a better understanding of the services and legislation in the UK.
8.. Roma schools network and mentoring ( sharing good practice and workshops related to education issues and priorities)

''An educated women , can, and , will change an entire generation''